b2b content marketing trends

B2B Content Marketing Trends for 2024

Being a Business-to-business (B2B) marketer in 2024 means keeping up with B2B content marketing trends. In July 2023, a study showed us the challenges and trends. It helps us understand what B2B content marketers are facing today.

futuristic image of b2b content marketing trends for 2024


The study found that many B2B content marketers struggle. They struggle because there aren’t clear standards for content marketing. Without these standards, making the right content is hard.

Another finding was how B2B marketers are using AI more. 72% percent use AI for things like finding topics or writing drafts. But, many felt there weren’t enough instructions on using AI in content marketing.

Team structures also vary a lot. Half of the big companies have a team just for content. But many companies share the work among different departments. Most companies, about 70%, see the need to mix content plans with business goals.

The study also looked at what content works best. Things like short articles, videos, and stories were the top choices. For getting this content out, platforms like LinkedIn, YouTube, and TikTok are popular.

Using content that comes from users and building online communities stands out. User-generated content helps with trust and online communities get people talking. This is very important in B2B marketing.

Also, working with influencers is a big trend. It helps you stand out and hit the right audience. Using your unique data also differentiates you from the rest. It helps in targeting the right people better.

Key Takeaways:

AI Use in B2B Content Marketing

AI is being used more in B2B content marketing. A study found that 72% of B2B marketers use AI to make better content. These tools help to create new topics and write initial drafts. But, many companies don’t know how to use AI well in marketing.

In fact, 61% have no set rules for AI use. This makes it hard for B2B marketers to use AI in content creation. But, it also means a chance for companies to lead by setting clear AI use standards.

It’s key for companies to create rules that cover both the right and wrong uses of AI. This includes making sure AI content is correct and giving credit when needed. It’s also important to stay personal in content creation while using AI. By having these rules, marketers can control their AI use. They can make sure AI content still fits their brand well.

Marketers should also teach their teams how to use AI well. This means understanding what AI can and cannot do. It also means always working to make AI content better.

Benefits of AI in B2B Content Marketing

AI makes creating content faster and better. With AI tools, marketers can spend more time on bigger strategies. This might include deep research or coming up with creative campaigns.

“AI empowers B2B marketers to optimize their content creation process, enhance personalization, and deliver targeted messaging that resonates with their audience.”

AI tools also find customer behavior trends. This lets marketers make smarter content strategies. They can target their messages better, making their content more effective.

EfficiencyAI tools streamline content creation processes, saving time and resources.
QualityGenerative AI tools can help produce high-quality, engaging content consistently.
PersonalizationAI enables the delivery of tailored messages and experiences to specific target audiences.
Data-driven insightsAI analysis of customer data provides valuable insights for content strategy optimization.

AI can change how B2B marketing works. By using AI in a smart way, companies can lead in creating strong marketing. This will make their content stand out to their audience.

Team Structure in B2B Content Marketing

Team structure is key in B2B content marketing. How content is made and used affects success. A study shows B2B companies use different team and strategy styles.

Big companies often have a central content team. This team manages all content needs. It helps keep content consistent and controlled.

But some companies let each department make its own content. This gives more flexibility but can lead to mixed messages.

There’s also a model where teams work together on content. This helps mix different ideas into the content.

Most companies, 70%, link their content strategy with their wider goals. But 9% reported not having a set content strategy. This shows there’s room to improve.

Benefits of a Centralized Content Team

A central team has many pluses for B2B groups. It makes sure everyone’s on the same page, from branding to messaging. This team sets content standards.

It makes creating content more efficient by pooling resources. This approach boosts productivity and lets the team get better at what they do.

“A centralized content team allows for better coordination, consistency, and control over the content produced.”

Every company is different, so the best team structure varies. The right one depends on the company’s needs and resources. But what’s crucial is syncing up with the business strategy.

In short, how the team is set up matters a lot. No matter the structure, meshing with the company’s bigger plans is key. This makes B2B content marketing more effective.

Content Marketing Challenges in B2B

B2B marketers often find themselves facing obstacles in content marketing efforts. Tackling these challenges head-on is key to success. It’s vital for businesses to understand and address these hurdles to meet their content marketing goals.

The Right Content for Your Audience

One major challenge is creating content that truly connects with your audience. For B2B marketers, this is a constant hurdle. Knowing what your audience values and tailoring content to meet those needs is crucial for grabbing their attention.

Consistency in Content Creation

Keeping your audience engaged with high-quality content is important. But, for many B2B marketers, this proves difficult. Setting up a detailed content calendar and optimizing workflows can turn the tide.

Differentiating Your Content

With many competitors, it’s hard to stand out in the B2B world. Unique content that offers new ideas or solutions can make your brand memorable. It positions your brand as a leader in the field, attracting more attention.

Optimizing Content for Search Engines

Search engines help people find your content, making your SEO content strategy of vital importance. By using the right keywords and following best practices, you can boost your content’s visibility. This drives more organic traffic to your pages.

Meeting Internal and External Demands

There’s often pressure from various sources to keep up a steady stream of content. Balancing expectations, aligning content with the buyer’s journey, and managing workflows are critical. Doing so ensures you deliver valuable content consistently.

Lack of Resources

Many B2B marketers face challenges due to limited resources like time, budget, and talent. But, there are ways to work around these obstacles. Smart allocation of resources, exploring outsourcing, and using the right tools can greatly benefit your content strategy.

“Creating the right content, ensuring consistency, differentiating from competitors, optimizing for search, meeting internal and external demands, and managing limited resources are common challenges in B2B content marketing.”

Overcoming these challenges takes planning, learning, and staying adaptable. By tackling these challenges effectively, B2B marketers can improve their content strategies. This leads to better engagement with their audience and ultimately, business growth.

Content Types, Distribution Channels, and Paid Channels in B2B Content Marketing

The study shared exciting insights about content types and how they’re shared in B2B marketing. Knowing these can help catch your audience’s interest and boost your brand.

Content Types

Short articles, videos, and customer stories rule in B2B marketing. But B2B marketers also use:

  • Long articles
  • Visual content
  • Thought leadership e-books or white papers
  • Brochures
  • Product or technical data sheets
  • Research reports
  • Interactive content
  • Audio
  • Livestreaming

Distribution Channels

Marketers pick many platforms to reach their audience. LinkedIn, YouTube, and TikTok stand out for B2B content. They help engage audiences well.

Paid Channels

Besides free ways, B2B marketing also uses paid promotion. This lets messages reach more people. Investing in paid ads helps increase your content’s visibility.

The study wraps up by showing there are many content types and sharing platforms for B2B. Using these wisely can help your brand stand out in B2B’s competitive world.

The Power of User-Generated Content in B2B Content Marketing

User-generated content (UGC) is key in B2B marketing. It lets customers share their experiences, adding trust to your brand. This type of content makes your brand more authentic, drawing potential clients closer by showing positive interactions.

UGC showcases stories from real people. Using customer testimonials, you can make your brand more appealing. People trust peer reviews more than advertisements. Positive UGC becomes a strong support for your business.

Trust is vital in B2B marketing. A 2023 study found 92% of people trust recommendations from others, even if they don’t know them. UGC can help you gain this trust, making your brand seem more reliable.

“User-generated content is the fuel that drives your reputation and builds trust with your audience.”

Sharing customers’ success stories is powerful. It shows how your products help businesses. UGC makes your brand authentic, boosting client trust.

Benefits of User-Generated Content in B2B Marketing

  • Enhances brand credibility and authenticity
  • Builds trust with potential clients
  • Provides real-world examples of success
  • Fosters deeper connections with your target audience
  • Offers compelling endorsements of your brand
user generated content used in b2b content marketing


Using UGC is good for your brand and sales. A B2B Marketing survey found 70% of consumers are swayed by UGC in their purchase decisions. It boosts sales by increasing engagement and conversion rates.

Ways to Utilize User-Generated Content in B2B MarketingExamples
Customer testimonials on your websiteA dedicated page featuring video testimonials from satisfied clients
Sharing customer success stories on social mediaA LinkedIn post highlighting how your products helped a client achieve significant growth
Showcasing customer reviews and ratingsA section on your website displaying positive reviews and ratings from verified customers
Hosting contests or challenges for customers to submit contentA campaign encouraging customers to share their experiences through videos or photos for a chance to win a prize

Include UGC in your B2B marketing to show social proof. It builds trust and makes your brand reliable. Encourage customers to share their stories to boost your brand and engage more clients.

Building Online Communities in B2B Content Marketing

The study showed how important it is to build and care for online communities in B2B content marketing. These communities let you interact directly with your audience. This gives you the chance to learn from them and create strong connections. Being a part of B2B online communities can boost your brand’s visibility and engagement. It also helps create a sense of community and loyalty.

Online communities are great for engagement marketing. They offer space for conversation, learning, and help. With the right discussions and shared experiences, you can become a leader in your field. This kind of engagement helps deepen your relationship with your audience. This, in turn, builds trust and loyalty over time.

One big advantage of online communities is the chance to get key insights. By taking part in discussions and listening to feedback, you can learn more about what your audience needs and likes. This helps in creating content and strategies that really connect with them. So, you can see better results from your efforts.

In B2B content marketing, online communities are crucial for getting industry knowledge. By being active and listening in these spaces, you can stay on top of trends and news. This makes you a go-to source of information in your industry.

Online communities also help in making your brand stronger. By sharing useful content and being part of discussions, your brand can become highly trusted. This trust and visibility can bring in more growth opportunities. It also boosts your reputation as a thought leader in the community.

For B2B content marketing, building and caring for online communities is key. By being active, adding value, and having real talks, you can make your brand a leader. And you can make lifelong connections with your audience.

Influencer Partnerships in B2B Content Marketing

The world of influencer marketing is growing fast, especially in B2B. By working with key influencers, B2B brands can find new ways to connect with their audience. When brands team up with influencers who share their values, they make a bigger impact.

influencer partnership for b2b content marketing


Working with influencers can really help B2B brands. It lets them use the influencer’s trust and respect to boost their own image. Plus, influencers have people who really listen to them. So, by partnering with the right ones, B2B brands can talk to these groups too.

Influencer partnerships bring more than just views. They help create real content that speaks to people. Influencers know just how to get their followers’ attention. When they recommend something, it feels genuine. This type of content helps B2B brands to really connect with their audience.

These partnerships also open doors to new, focused markets. Influencers often lead in specific areas, attracting folks who care about those topics. By working with these leaders, B2B brands can talk to engaged listeners they might have missed.

The Benefits of Collaborating with Industry Influencers

“Working with influencers in B2B content marketing allows brands to tap into their credibility, reach a wider audience, and create authentic, relatable content that resonates with customers.”

Working together can boost everyone’s voice. B2B brands can show off to the influencers’ followers, bringing in new interest. In return, influencers can introduce their audience to the brand, potentially gaining new fans too.

Choosing the Right Influencer for Your B2B Brand

Picking the right person to work with is crucial. The influencer should fit the brand’s message and goals. A good match makes the partnership feel real and trustworthy.

B2B brands should look not just at the influencer’s popularity but how engaged their followers are. It’s better to work with an influencer who’s really connected with their audience. This brings more genuine responses to the brand’s message.

To sum up, teaming up with influencers can do a lot for B2B brands. It helps them get closer to their audience, build their brand, and grow their market. Choosing influencers carefully and working on genuine content can really make a big difference.

The Importance of Original Data in B2B Content Marketing

Original data is key in B2B content marketing. It lets marketers use data with AI and create data-focused marketing plans. This makes their content more spot-on, offering personalized touches and planning perfect strategies. It makes brands stand out, builds trust, and boosts credibility.

Original data is great for working with AI features and tools. It lets B2B marketers flow smoothly in content making and boosts their marketing luck. By tapping into original data, marketers learn important stuff, spot trends, and speak directly to those they want to reach.

Marketers can spark personal connections by using original data. They analyze what customers like, their habits, and their needs. Then, they make content that’s really about their audience. This approach helps build strong bonds, keeps people engaged, and boosts sales.

For B2B marketers, data-based strategies are a must to win in the digital world. Using original data leads to smart marketing choices and better campaigns. Marketers can target just the right people with the right content, at the best time.

Basically, original data gives B2B marketers a big boost in content marketing. It lets them use AI and smart data strategies. Through this, they find new chances, stand out from the crowd, and get solid outcomes in their B2B marketing work.


This study sheds light on today’s B2B content marketing trends and challenges. It’s essential for B2B marketers to be on top of new trends. They should use tech to push their strategies forward and meet their objectives.

Embracing AI in content marketing is a major point. With generative AI tools and clear guidelines, content creation can get a big boost. This makes the process more efficient. Content made by users and partnerships with influencers greatly helps in earning trust and catching the target audience’s eye.

Creating online communities and using original data are good ways for B2B marketers to make their brand stronger. They can get key insights this way. By making their content personal and using data, they can deliver experiences that are spot-on for their audience.

Know and use these trends to be a step ahead in content marketing. Adapting to the changes helps connect with the audience and grow the business.


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