50 smart seo prompts for chatgpt

50 Smart SEO Prompts for ChatGPT

Are you an SEO pro or marketer wanting to boost your SEO and content strategies? ChatGPT is here to help. This AI tool is set to make your SEO journey smoother. In this post, we’ll look at 50 smart SEO prompts for ChatGPT. They’re made just for you, to help you level up your content game and get better results for your website.

ChatGPT’s advanced features are designed to provide new insights and fresh ideas. It helps to make your overall SEO game strong. Let’s get into the world of smart SEO prompts. See how ChatGPT could transform the way you work on SEO.

Key Takeaways:

ChatGPT Summarizing

One key strength of ChatGPT is its ability to summarize tough SEO ideas into simple points. It’s a great tool to explain SEO basics to new people. This can be handy in workshops or when you’re starting a blog to help beginners understand.

ChatGPT is also good at explaining how Google’s updates affect your SEO work. It’s important to keep track of Google’s changes since they impact your website’s visibility online. By using ChatGPT, you can get a clear picture of what the updates mean for your SEO strategy. This will keep you well informed.

chatgpt seo prompts


50 Smart SEO Prompts for ChatGPT

Here is the list of the prompts:

  1. Find the best keywords for [topic]
  2. Identify long-tail keywords for [topic] content optimization
  3. Create meta descriptions and title tags for [topic]
  4. Generate a list of related keywords for [topic]
  5. Generate a list of LSI keywords for [topic]
  6. Find keywords with low competition for [topic]
  7. Research industry-specific terminology for use in [topic] content
  8. Create a list of synonyms for [topic] keywords
  9. Create a list of questions people ask about [topic]
  10. List the best keywords for [topic] featured snippets
  11. Find the best keywords for [topic] PPC campaigns
  12. Find the best keywords for [topic] voice search optimization
  13. Find the best keywords for [topic] video optimization
  14. Find the best keywords for [topic] social media optimization
  15. Find the best keywords for [topic] AMP optimization
  16. Research the best tactics for [topic] Google My Business optimization
  17. Research the best tactics for [topic] e-commerce optimization. Provide keyword clusters.
  18. What are the best tactics for [topic] international SEO
  19. Research the best external linking strategies for [topic]
  20. Research the best anchor text for [topic] backlinks
  21. Create a list of potential link-building opportunities for [topic]
  22. Create a list of potential guest blogging opportunities for [topic]
  23. Create a list of potential partnerships for [topic]
  24. Create a list of potential affiliate marketing opportunities for [topic]
  25. What are the best affiliate marketing websites for [topic]
  26. Find the best time to publish content related to [topic]
  27. Research the best local SEO strategies for [topic]
  28. Research the best schema markup for [topic]
  29. Research the best header tags for [topic] content
  30. Research the best internal linking structure for [topic] content
  31. Research the best tactics for [topic] mobile optimization
  32. Research the best SEO tactics for [topic] and provide actionable steps
  33. Research competitor strategies related to [topic]
  34. Find popular content topics related to [topic]
  35. Generate keyword ideas targeting different stages of the customer purchase funnel for [topic]
  36. Identify industry hashtags related to [topic].
  37. Find the most popular tools used for [topic] SEO
  38. Research the best analytics tools for [topic] website performance
  39. Create an example keyword list targeting multiple geographic locations for [topic]
  40. Generate ideas for blog posts and article topics on [topic]
  41. Find opportunities for internal linking related to [topic]
  42. Find authoritative websites to acquire backlinks for [topic] content
  43. Find the best tactics for [topic] and provide actionable steps
  44. Research the best tactics for [topic] video series or webinar ideas
  45. Find the best keywords for [topic] website performance
  46. Find canonical tag examples related to [topic]
  47. Create an XML sitemap example related to [topic]
  48. Create a list of the best alt tags for images related to [topic]
  49. Create a list of related subtopics for [topic]
  50. Identify potential podcast or podcast guest opportunities for [topic]

With these prompts at your disposal, you’re well-equipped to enhance and refine your SEO strategy. Best of luck optimizing your content and achieving greater visibility online!


ChatGPT prompts can greatly benefit SEO professionals. They help unlock SEO potential and boost content strategies. With better keyword research and organized content planning, ChatGPT improves your SEO game.

By using ChatGPT, your keyword research can get better. You can find important keywords more easily. Then, you can make content that really speaks to your audience. This can help your pages show up more on search results.

ChatGPT also helps you plan your content strategy. It can create outlines and headings that improve your SEO. This makes the user’s experience better and your content more relevant.

The tool makes working easier too. It can create catchy titles and meta descriptions that draw in readers and search engines. This saves time, so you can work on other SEO tasks.


What is ChatGPT and how can it assist marketers and SEO professionals?

ChatGPT is an AI tool for marketers and SEO pros. It’s great for summarizing SEO concepts and explaining algorithm updates. It can also help with keyword clustering, crafting meta descriptions, and creating engaging titles. You can use it to easily address user queries and generate content outlines and FAQs.

How can ChatGPT summarize complex SEO concepts and trends?

ChatGPT simplifies big SEO ideas into small, easy-to-understand bits. This makes it easy to share with someone new to the topic. It’s also good for breaking down the effects of Google’s changes on SEO in different industries.

How can ChatGPT be used for prompt engineering in SEO content?

Using ChatGPT correctly is key in SEO content. Its prompts help you make content that’s keyword-ready and interesting. They’re great for starting blog posts, and reviews, updating old content, or making how-to guides.

How can ChatGPT assist in addressing common user queries in SEO content?

Answering common questions in content can make it better. ChatGPT helps list the top questions people have on a topic. This allows you to meet the real needs of those searching. It covers recent news, simple or advanced issues, and even seasonal topics.

How can ChatGPT help in developing an expert-level SEO strategy?

For top SEO, you need a solid plan. ChatGPT can help outline detailed strategies that cover all SEO aspects. It’s useful for e-commerce, local business, or starting a new site.

What are the benefits of using ChatGPT for SEO professionals?

ChatGPT makes SEO work smarter and more creative. It’s great for finding better keywords, planning content, and improving workflow. With ChatGPT, your SEO can reach new levels, unlocking more potential for your website’s content strategy.